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Manage Your Arthritis With Helpful Information To Ease The Pain

Jul 16

Manage Your Arthritis With Helpful Information To Ease The Pain

It's hard to understand how painful arthritis can be unless you've had to live with it. Hopefully, doctors will develop a cure, but in the meantime, you should do what you can to manage the day to day pain. This article will give you some important advice on how to reduce the pain of arthritis.

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Reduce the stress in your daily life. Stress causes your body to release the neurochemical cortisol, while causes inflammation. People with arthritis should know that inflammation is the main cause of the pain and stiffness of arthritis. Reducing stress reduces your body's production of these chemicals, which relieves your symptoms.


Try different treatments with hot and cold packs to see what works for you. Different patients have different success with hot or cold compresses. Generally, chronic pain responds well to heat, while sudden onset pain responds best to cold packs. Everyone is different, however, and your initial treatment attempts may not bring immediate relief.


If you want to minimize the pain of arthritis, avoid being over weight. Having just a few extra pounds on your body adds strain to joints and ligaments. It can increase the pain of arthritis, and keep your symptoms coming back again and again. Losing just ten pounds can make a big difference, so do it today.


If you are suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, make sure you're getting enough omega-3 in your diet. If you're not, consider taking a supplement like fish oil to help get those levels up. Studies have shown that omega-3 has many anti-inflammatory benefits for those who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis.


Yoga might be a good way to alleviate your arthritis symptoms. These techniques have been proven effective at relaxing the body and reducing stress symptoms. You must do them at least 3 times a week for them to help you.


If you find it difficult to sleep due to pain from arthritis, it may help to take a warm bath with bath salts prior to going to bed. This helps relax your body, along with soothing your arthritis pain so you can fall aleep and stay asleep for a longer period of time.


Because arthritis can effect the way that you cook, it is important that you buy the proper cookware and utensils. If you pick any old utensil, you may find that you cannot use it. It is recommended that people with arthritis get lightweight cooking utensils that have easy grips.


Eat the right supplements. Omega 3 fish oils have been shown to greatly reduce inflammation and swelling of joints, as well as help to increase flexibility. Make sure you are taking these supplements as they are prescribed, and you will quickly find yourself able to do the tasks you were worried you would not be able to do.


Unfortunately, there's nothing that will completely eliminate the pain of arthritis. However, you may be surprised at how much some of these tips can help. Try the advice in this article, and see what works for you. It's not the solution arthritis sufferers are looking for, but it's a great bandage.